Preliminary Philosophy Course
(12 lessons - you must take this course to become a member)
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By Max Heindel
This is the textbook used in the Rosicrucian Philosophy Correspondence Courses.
This book gives a complete outline of the
Western Wisdom Teaching as far as it may be made public at the present time. It
contains a comprehensive outline of the evolutionary processes of man and the
universe, correlating science with religion. The author received this Teaching
directly from the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. It is their latest communication.
The Cosmo-Conception is an inspiring book containing investigated facts which
bridge the seeming gap between Religion and Science; facts that thrill the
modern intellect and comfort the old-fashioned heart. Occultism points the way
to Christ when faith alone cannot find Him.
Part One: A treatise on the visible and invisible worlds, man and the
method of evolution, rebirth and the law of cause and effect.
Part Two: Takes up the scheme of evolution in general and the evolution
of the solar system and the earth in particular.
Part Three: Tells of Christ and His mission, the future development of
man and initiation, esoteric training and a safe method of acquiring firsthand
Note: If you do not have the money to buy the books for your study with us, you can download our e-book or the pdf file. Later, when you have the opportunity to make a donation to The Rosicrucian Fellowship, we shall be grateful to receive it.
Supplementary Philosophy Course
(after completing preliminary course - 40 lessons - no printed answers)
The first Supplementary lesson is sent when we return the student's answer to
Preliminary course lesson No. 12. This Supplementary work is entirely optional,
but we consider it most valuable in furthering spiritual development. The
Supplementary Course is not connected with the student's bimonthly lesson and
The Student Bimonthly Mail
(enclosed paper slip to be signed and
This correspondence is sent after the student has satisfactorily completed the 12 lessons of the Preliminary Philosophy Course. No questions are asked and no answers are expected, but if you wish to keep your connection with the Rosicrucian Fellowship you must sign and return the card that is enclosed. After you have sent in 12 cards for 24 months, consecutively, you may apply for Probationership.