The Rosicrucian Fellowship is a mystical and esoteric society founded in 1909 by Max Heindel, aiming to promote spiritual enlightenment and the teachings of Christian mysticism. It draws from a rich history of Rosicrucianism, blending elements of spiritual alchemy, astrology, and Christian philosophy to offer a unique path to spiritual growth and self-discovery.

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Discover Rosicrucian Teachings:

  • Membership in the Rosicrucian Fellowship is open to individuals who are dedicated to making Christianity a living force in the world. The Fellowship provides a comprehensive and logical explanation of man’s and the world’s origin, evolution, and future development from both spiritual and scientific perspectives. It operates independently, with no affiliations to other organizations.
  • Upon completing the 12-lesson Preliminary Philosophy Course, available via mail or online, individuals may apply for esoteric training by becoming Regular Students. Regular Students receive bimonthly lessons and letters, which they are encouraged to study to align their vital body with the energy of the month. No written answers are required, but students must return a signed postal card or mailing address slip to Headquarters to : 1)provide consent for continued lessons, 2)maintain connection with the Invisible Helpers and spiritual forces of the Rosicrucian Fellowship, and 3) donate. Mr. Heindel encouraged his students to “give as the heart dictates and the means permit”. Free-will donations support the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross’ educational work, as lessons are provided without charge.
  • After two years of consistent Regular Studentship, during which time the aspirant has adopted a vegetarian diet, eliminated substances harmful to spiritual development, and practiced self-control and selfless service to others, they may apply for the next stage of the path – Probationership.
  • Join us on this transformative journey!

Experience the transformative power of Christian esoteric philosophy with the Rosicrucian Teachings. Join our community and grow spiritually.