Our Purpose

‘To Preach the Gospel and Heal the Sick’

The Rosicrucian Fellowship is a Christian organization comprised of men and women who are dedicated to studying the Rosicrucian philosophy, also known as the Western Wisdom Teaching, which bridges the realms of Art, Religion, and Science. Our Fellowship comprises members from across the world and is headquartered in Oceanside, California, USA. The Rosicrucian Fellowship is not affiliated with any other organization. It was established in 1909 following a series of lectures by Mr. Max Heindel in Seattle, where the initial study center was formed and the Headquarters were temporarily located. The publication of The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception marked the official launch of the Fellowship.

The primary mission of The Rosicrucian Fellowship is two-fold: to spread the gospel of the forthcoming Aquarian Age and to provide spiritual healing. This is accomplished by making the Western Wisdom Teaching accessible to those who seek it and by operating a Healing Department that combines spiritual healing practices with teachings the principles of right living. Our members, actively participate in classes on the Philosophy and spiritual astrology, which is a fundamental aspect of the Fellowship’s teachings.

Western Wisdom Teachings

The Western Wisdom School imparts the understanding that God is the architect of our solar system and all that exists within it. It teaches that evolution is a constant process throughout nature, occurring through repeated cycles of embodiment in increasingly efficient forms. The ultimate goal for every creation is perfection, which is eventually attained by all. The school emphasizes the principle of cause and effect in life, where our actions directly influence our spiritual growth. It provides comprehensive guidance on how to achieve the best outcomes in life by following specific teachings. It also reconciles the divide between science and religion, making religion more scientific and science more spiritual. The teachings of the school are grounded in logic and reason, welcoming questions and scrutiny.
The authentic teachings of the Rosicrucians advocate for virtues such as integrity, self-reliance, fairness, unwavering courage, honesty, and compassion. These teachings emphasize the fundamental truths of Christianity, including the immaculate conception of Jesus, the dual nature of Jesus the man and Christ the divine Archangel, and Christ’s mission to teach humanity the Gospel of Love. This mission is crucial for the continuation of human evolution. Christ also takes upon Himself the sins of the world by infusing the planet with His divine essence. The school teaches the laws of rebirth and consequence, which ultimately lead humanity to salvation, defined simply as the knowledge of one’s true self and the alignment of life with spiritual principles.
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” Genesis 1:14
“There is one glory of the Sun, and another glory of the Moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.” 1 Corinthians 15:4