The Rosicrucian Fellowship

An International Association of Christian Mystics
dedicated to preaching the Gospel and healing the sick

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On Death and Dying

Many of you are perhaps familiar with James Van Praagh and John Edward, the work they are doing with people regarding loved ones who have passed on. They say that part of their mission is to educate people about death and the process of dying. Below you will find several articles on the subject of death and dying according to Rosicrucian principles. It is hoped that your greater understanding of this universal event will take the sting out of what most people fear above all else.

Our Healing Temple


Reading Material

In Case of Being Released from the Physical Body

To Those Who Mourn

The Riddle of Life and Death

The Science of Death

Where are the Dead?

Caring for the Dead

Life and Activity in Heaven

Death and Life in Purgatory

Suicide and Euthanasia

More Information

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