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Membership - The Rosicrucian Fellowship is an association of Christian men and women banded together for the purpose of helping to make Christianity a living factor in the world. Its teachings give a definite, logical, and sequential explanation of the origin, evolution, and future development of the world and man, from both the spiritual and scientific aspects. The Rosicrucian Fellowship has no connection with any other organization.

Upon completion of the 12 lessons of our Preliminary Philosophy Course, to be obtained either by mail by writing to The Rosicrucian Fellowship, 2222 Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA 92058 or by applying on the web at: http://www.rosicrucian.com/phil_crs.htm, one may apply for esoteric training lessons by filling out the application to become a Regular Student of the Rosicrucian Fellowship (as nothing is automatic on the path, but is based on one's voluntary decision). A Regular Student receives a bimonthly Regular Student Letter and Lesson. These are to be studied monthly, to attune the vital body with the energy of the month, though no written answers are required. A postal card or a mailing address slip is sent with the Regular Student Lesson and it is to be signed and returned directly to Headquarters, for three reasons: 1) to indicate that the Regular Student wishes to continue receiving these lessons, and 2) so that connection with the Invisible Helpers and spiritual forces of the Rosicrucian Fellowship may be maintained, and 3) to give the chance to the Regular Student to make a donation, if they can, in support of the great educational work of the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross, since lessons are sent at no charge and the Rosicrucian Fellowship relies on free will donations to continue its twin missions of "Preach the gospel" and "Heal the sick". Mr. Heindel used to encourage his students to "give as the heart dictates and the means permit". After two uninterrupted years of Regular Studentship, during which time the aspirant has striven to raise his spiritual standard of living to include adoption of a vegetarian diet and elimination of spiritually toxic substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs that interfere with the spiritual development of the finer spiritual faculties, and to practice self-control and "loving, self-forgetting service to others", the Regular Student may apply for the next step on the path - Probationership.


Rosicrucian Fellowship - International Headquarters
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92058-2329, USA
(760) 757 - 6600
Contact us