The Rosicrucian Fellowship

An International Association of Christian Mystics
dedicated to preaching the Gospel and healing the sick

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    Salads and Vegetarian Menus

Health and Diet

It has been said that most people dig their graves with their teeth. Diet is perhaps the most important ingredient of good health, yet many people have no instruction in this matter. The Rosicrucian Fellowship believes in a vegetarian diet, not only because of the more healthful nature of such a diet, but also because it is immoral to kill our younger brothers, the animals, in order for us to survive.

Invisible Helper


Reading Material

The Wisdom of the Vegetarian Diet

Salads and Vegetarian Menus

Heredity and Disease

Sprouting for Health

The Newer Hygiene of Living

The General Causes of Disease

Effects of Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco

More Information

About Us



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Rosicrucian Fellowship | 2222 Mission Ave | Oceanside, CA 92058-2329
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