The Rosicrucian Fellowship

An International Association of Christian Mystics
dedicated to preaching the Gospel and healing the sick

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Esoteric Bible Interpretation

"The Bible has been given to the Western World by the Recording Angels who give to each and all exactly what they need for their development."

--Max Heindel

During modern times there has been much argument concerning the authenticity of the Bible. Material science has been taught in our high schools and colleges, and there has arisen in the minds of inquiring students a demand for some correlation between orthodox Biblical teachings and the discoveries of science. The casual observer can find no satisfactory harmonization, but to the deeper student, there is possible a logical correlation between the findings of science and the Holy Scriptures.

To those who have the key it is indeed true that the Holy Scripture does give the light of Spiritual Understanding, for both the Old and New Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation, contain deep hidden truths which form the basis for a rational explanation of the mystery of life and being.

The Christ


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Rebirth and the Bible

The Lord's Prayer

Jesus and Jesus Christ

The Immaculate Conception

The Mystery of Golgotha

The Process of Evolution

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